maandag 13 januari 2014

Let's get this thing started!

Hi there and welcome to the Moonlit Tarot Blog where as time goes by you'll find tarot reviews, lots of two-card spreads, multi-card spreads, tarot journaling and whatever I may encounter on this exciting journey.

In my early twenties as I was discovering what it meant being an 'adult', as I was trying to find my way in life,  I found myself interested in tarot so I collected a few tarot decks and books and tried to read the messages the cards were presenting me. Working with tarot way back then was a bit too overwhelming for me with lots of stuff going, so the cards ended up gathering dust and eventually I sold all the decks and books I had collected. Life took over and the tarot never really crossed my mind again.

Until a few weeks back. Out of nowhere I suddenly found lots of pretty images on Instagram of tarot spreads, some beautiful decks and written messages which now made sense to me. My interest in tarot was triggered again and I purchased a new deck. As soon as I got my hands on the cards, I knew this was it. The symbolism, the imagery, the spreads. It seemed to make more sense than before. And so my hunger for learning the tarot was suddenly there and in no time, I got a few decks, even more books and started studying. Yet again, I felt a bit overwhelmed at first, but soon I realised I needed to let go of that 'need' to learn and let the card speak for themselves. I started doing daily two-card spreads, journaling them, and I was surprised that even a just a few weeks I made so much progress!

By no means am I a professional tarot reader, nor do I have any ambition to ever become one. What I want to share here on this blog, is how the tarot can be used to help surface what's hidden inside your unconsious mind. Help you hear your inner voice and listen to it. I hope you will enjoy being on this journey with me!

Pictured above is me holding welcoming card The Empress from the LightGrey Tarot deck. I'll be posting an interview and review of this deck soon.

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