Yesterday we had a New Moon. The perfect time to look back at the transitions that happened during the past cycle, and to look forward to what's to come. I found the perfect spread on the internet and gave it a try with my beloved Wild Unknown Tarot. Here it is:
* Middle card - What thoughts currently occupy you? The Lovers.
This card is about making choices. It's about founding out what you stand for, what your values are, what you think is important in life. You're at a crossroad in life, and wondering which path to take. Stay true to yourself and decide which path will be best for you in the long run.
* Top card - What wisdom do you already have that you should call on now? Mother of Cups.
Third time this card has shown up in one week! Guess the Universe is trying really hard to get the message across, but I don't seem to listen very well.This beautiful swan is very intuitive, sensitive and caring. When the Mother of Cups is pushed, she becomes defensive and aggressive to protect the ones she loves. Listen to her inner voice, her intuition and she'll guide you the way. Trusting my intuition is one of the hardest things. Maybe I should doubt less, and believe in myself.
* Left card(middle row) - What thoughts no longer serve you? Ace of Wands.
The Ace of Wands is a very strong and action orientated card. You know where you goals lie, and which direction you need to go. I guess it's time to let go that urge for purpose, that urge for finding my path, my way, my direction and trust the Mother of Cups to show me where to go.
* Bottom card - What unconscious thoughts affect you now? Four of Wands.
There may be some transition going on right now which is leaving you feeling unsettled, and insecure. The transition is important and neccesary, but it is making you feel anxious and restless.
* Right card(middle row) - What should you open your mind to as you go through this moon cycle? Daughter of Pentacles.
The Daugther of Pentacles has a great amount of inner strength. She's quite shy, but hard-working and responsible. Be light-hearted, enjoy life and cherish your dream. New ventures and opportunities are just around the corner, grab your chances!
And because I love this deck so so much, here's the two card spread I did today:
Energy - Daughter of Cups
Advice - Ten of Cups
The Daughter of Cups is a true dreamer. She struggles staying grounded and because of her gentle nature she finds conflicts very disturbing. She's all about feeling the emotions, about forgiving, about receiving guidance from within. The ten of Cups(second time this week!) tells you to count your blessings, reducing stress and tensions and restoring harmony within yourself so you can experience it in your surroundings.
Ever since I got this deck, it has really grown on me. The connection wasn't there the first minutes I had the cards in my hands, but every single day I used them in my readings, the cards became clearer and clearer in what they were trying to tell me. Since my New Moon reading I know this is the deck I'll probably use most. I'm reading to take on this new moon cycle. How 'bout you?
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